Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just Drink Water

When I was pregnant with my first baby my husband and I excitedly sat across from our doctor and he informed us that "weird things happen when you're pregnant." And boy did they! I have now been pregnant 4 times, (resulting in one early miscarriage and three beautiful children) and every pregnancy has been different and unique, and painfully similar as well! I've also known MANY pregnant ladies in just the past few years and I've seen how different their pregnancies are compared to mine. I've heard the questions asked, "Is this normal?" "Did this ever happen to you?" "Should I be concerned?" "How come no one ever told me about this?" And then I said to myself, "Self, there are a lot of people who could benefit from a collaboration of women, sharing their stories of the different things they experienced while pregnant, and I could put it all together in a best seller." Okay, okay well maybe not a best seller, but it could definitely find a cozy spot at Barnes and Nobles I'm sure!
So, that's the plan I'm going to collect as many stories as I can, organize them, add a few comments in here and there and BAM, we have a book! Not just any book mind you, a book with YOUR story in it, a book you can show your friends and say, look this is MY name in a book next to something I wrote! BUT, the only way this can happen is if we spread the word and encourage others to share!
For those who aren't sure what I'm looking for, here is an example of a way that you could share:

When I was 20 weeks pregnant my heart started beating so fast I thought it would pop out of my chest. I took my pulse and my resting heart rate was 135, well above normal. I called my Doctor's office, they told me to lay down and elevate my legs, I did so for several minutes and my heart rate went up to 140 beats per minute. I was told to go to the ER because they needed to do some test. Turns out the only thing they could tell me was that I was pregnant and weird things happen in pregnancy, and that I was dehydrated and needed to drink more water.

Tanya Korth, California
Mother of 3

This is just an example. You do not have to include your name, you can say from anonymous, you do not have to leave your state, or how many children you have. However, please do type it exactly how you would like to be quoted, I will contact you before any final print is made and get your final approval for your story to be included in the book!

We need all kinds of experiences to make it the best it can be! Please feel free to send more then one story, any and all are welcome!